

Ho scoperto QUESTO nuovo blog, è un utente che deve dire qualcosa di importante a thomas (anche sul suo blog ha postato un commento dicendo proprio di contattarlo), solo che è in codice e non riesco a decifrarlo.. Qualcuno mi può aiutare? Grazie!

Ve lo copio anche qui:


to thomas
time is short, I can speak in code only, they don't understand.Qb lbh erzrzore jub V nz? Jr zrg ng Unabire nvecbeg naq lbh qb gbyq zr nobhg lbhe fghqvrf naq nobhg lbhe tvey sevraq, Fnenu. Rire fvapr gura V ybbxrq sbe lbh ba gur vagrearg naq V svanyyl svaq lbh urer ba lbhe oybt. V unir sbyybjrq guvf nynqltzn cebwrpg naq yrnearq zber nobhg jung vf unccravat gb lbh.Gubfr zra, lbh gnyx nobhg gurz, gung gurl unq nggnpxrq Fnenu. Gur zra gung qvq pnhfrq gur synfu gung bar avtug. Gurl pnzr gb zr gbb naq gurl nfxrq zr dhrfgvbaf nobhg lbh. Gurl nfxrq jurer lbh jrer tbvat naq jung qvq V xabj nobhg lbh. V gevrq gb fnl abguvat ohg gurl sbeprq vg bhg bs zr. V'Z FBEEL! V gbyq gurz gur havirefvgl lbh naq Fnenu ner ivfvgvat. Gung vf nyy.Gurl pnzr onpx gb zr va gur avtug n srj qnlf ntb. V frr gurz va gur jvaqbj jngpuvat zr, bofreivat. V oryvrir gurl ner gelvat gb evq bs zr. Znlor V xabj gbb zhpu abj. V jnagrq gb gnyx gb lbh bar zber gvzr. Cyrnfr PBAGNPG ZR! V zvtug abg unir zhpu zber gvzr fb V gryy lbh guvf. Gurfr zra zvtug or jub znqr Fnenu vyy, gurl oenva jnfurq ure. Nz V arkg? V jvyy cbfg zber guvf arkg qnl


Grazie ad alcuni utenti siamo riusciti a tradurre il testo:

"Do you remember who I am? We met at Hanover airport and you do told me about your studies and about your girl friend, Sarah. Ever since then I looked for you on the internet and I finally find you here on your blog. I have followed this aladygma project and learned more about what is happening to you.
Those men, you talk about them, that they had attacked Sarah. The men that did caused the flash that one night. They came to me too and they asked me questions about you. They asked where you were going and what did I know about you. I tried to say nothing but they forced it out of me. I'M SORRY! I told them the university you and Sarah are visiting. That is all.
They came back to me in the night a few days ago. I see them in the window watching me, observing. I believe they are trying to rid of me. Maybe I know too much now. I wanted to talk to you one more time. Please CONTACT ME! I might not have much more time so I tell you this. These men might be who made Sarah ill, they brain washed her. Am I next? I will post more this next day."

Il codice si chiama rot-13: "Il ROT-13, detto anche "eccesso 13", è un sottocaso di cifrario a scorrimento dove la chiave assume il valore fisso 13. La scelta della chiave 13 e l'uso dell'alfabeto inglese (di 26 lettere) permette di utilizzare lo stesso algoritmo sia per cifrare che per decifrare."

Un'immagine per capire al volo come viene utilizzato:

Schema del ROT13, prendendo in esempio la parola HELLO che diventa URYYB.

Nel blog non vi è la data del post, solo l'ora, quindi non possiamo sapere se tale blog è stato creato recentemente o ancora prima che venisse fuori il "boom" di aladygma (e in quest'ultimo caso si tratterebbe molto probabilmente di un fake solo per attirare l'attenzione), certo è che il testo lascia pensare...

Ringrazio amonloki e maxyeah per la traduzione e l'aiuto!

5 commenti:

amonloki ha detto...

Do you remember who I am? We met at Hanover airport and you do told me about your studies and about your girl friend, Sarah. Ever since then I looked for you on the internet and I finally find you here on your blog. I have followed this aladygma project and learned more about what is happening to you.
Those men, you talk about them, that they had attacked Sarah. The men that did caused the flash that one night. They came to me too and they asked me questions about you. They asked where you were going and what did I know about you. I tried to say nothing but they forced it out of me. I'M SORRY! I told them the university you and Sarah are visiting. That is all.
They came back to me in the night a few days ago. I see them in the window watching me, observing. I believe they are trying to rid of me. Maybe I know too much now. I wanted to talk to you one more time. Please CONTACT ME! I might not have much more time so I tell you this. These men might be who made Sarah ill, they brain washed her. Am I next? I will post more this next day.

marcy9487 ha detto...


e in che cavolo di codice è???

P.S.: perché non sei più su messenger?

Maxyeah ha detto...

Il codice si chiama rot-13:
Stiamo a vedere cosa succede

Maxyeah ha detto...

Grazie a te per le continue e aggiornatissime info!

marcy9487 ha detto...

Prego, è sempre un piacere! ^_^