

Sono apparsi l'ottavo e il nono pezzo della mappa:

Queste le parole in italiano:
Grazie ad Alfredo per l'intuizione, TOM = TOMBA DI VERGHINA

Nuovi aggiornamenti in arrivo.

11 commenti:

Giuseppe Racano ha detto...


Thank you!!!! Someone of you is really that much helping me. The ex-Stalker Boravik contacted me and told me about the Map.
he told me, he can not send me the Map.Someone want to kill him. And when this Killer see, I got the Map, they will follow me and Sarah. Shit.
Boravik told me some soldier are getting together to help me. Wich soldier>??? I became a lot of Mails from all the world but not from soldier. He told me, a General is going to put that soldier together. I believe, this is not a legal army but a self-made. Anyway, I need help. So if THIS GENERAL IS READING HERE: PLEASE CONTACT ME SO SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!! Now i know, i have to start from Venice. Why, I don´t know...but i learned, not to ask to much. Time is running. I will get the Ferry on this Week.
I must come so soon as possible to Vergina. Sarah is getting more and more ill and....now i believe, she is really Pregnant, but in a way...is not human. It seems to grow and grow in few days and not in Months. I am SO AFRAID OF THIS! What should I do. How will the child looks like????? Oh my God. I feel strange and SHE IS STRANGE.
But i will arrive to Vergina, I will meet the Stalker Andrei-everything MUST WORK!

Giuseppe Racano ha detto...

soldati...generali che radunano un esercito.....mmmm....

Anonimo ha detto...

Time to recruitment, if you are a Soldier, go to aladygma clues and post in the recruitment post... General, we are waiting for you, if you don´t show yourself, maybe we need to replace you...

Giuseppe Racano ha detto...


non so se e come si collega...ma date un occhiata qui!!...che ne pensate?

Anonimo ha detto...

Hello people, I was entrusted with the task of gathering soldiers of Aladygma. I am the new General. Aladygma want you.


join the group


Giuseppe Racano ha detto...

mmm...che strano....!!!! un utente brasiliano decide che è il momento di fare venire allo scoperto il generale...carmine concorda...e...nel giro di uno due giorni....GENERALE CARMINE!!!...azz è durata la ricerca!!!

Giuseppe Racano ha detto...

giusto per intenderci, sono un soldato, ma mi rifiuto di prendere ordini da un saputello arrogante!! aspetto che sia aladygma a dirmi chi seguire e cosa fare!!

Sebastian ha detto...

Be a soldier:

Under General Carmine, we can win the fight.

Sebastian ha detto...

Be a soldier:

Under General Carmine, we can win the fight.

Sebastian ha detto...

Now, we need more Soldiers... we are 298 and need more... we have soon a fight against a Monster, and we need help, your help. Please, come to the Facebook, and be a Soldier. Help us against the Monster... Help us to Help Thomas.

Our Mission is to stop and kill the 1° "Monster". Our soldier ship is following him. It is not a Danger anymore for Thomas, but for the Humanity. We are preparing the weapons for the Battle. But we need to be more and more soldiers to combat. Speak with your friends, everybody...Time is running away. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in two or 3 Days....we will be ready to fight but if we are not enough, there will be no chance.

We know from "above" that we will also get Money at the end of the Month, the best soldiers (Captain, General, Officer) will get more than the basic soldiers..
The Battle will also be a way to see, who are the best soldiers.
So be ready!
- Captain Sebastian

Anonimo ha detto...

